You Are a Monkey |
![]() You are a very fascinating creature. People are interested in every little thing you do. You are smart, curious, and clever. You are naturally witty, and you have a great sense of humor. You can see things from many different angles, and you always have an interesting perspective on life. You are likely agile and playful. You stay physically fit simply by staying active. |
25 comentários:
You Are a Cat
You are very independent and reclusive. No one really understands you, and you like it that way!
You are quite clever and ingenious. You can get yourself out of any sticky situation.
You are confident and cool tempered. You know you have many advantages and resources to draw from.
No matter what life throws at you, things always seem to work out your way.
(até dei um pulo na cadeira quando vi o título do teu post!! lol)
Olha, parece k tb sou um gato(a)
Bolas, tou com a Ianita, tb me assustei,rsrsrs...
Bjokas, lindona
Esta explicado o porque das macacadas que por vezes acontecem neste blog :P
Não, desculpa, Sis, mas macaco sou eu! De signo chinês, claro... E tb gosto de algumas macacadas... ;)
Beijoca grande, Linda!
Também parece que sou uma gata!
Olha macacos conheço muitos!....
Gosto de "pessoas-macacas!"
Que tu eras macaca já eu sabia!!!!
Ianita, gato é bom!!!! LOOOL Assustaste-te com o título? ;)
Zabour, lol! Beijinhos...
Miepeee, nem mais!!!!`Macacadas não faltam...:)
Hélio, és do signo chinês da minha princesa... imagino que sim, que gostas da macacada completa! lol Beijinho
flor, isto são só gatos por aqui... :)
Kayla, loooool!!! Ganda macaca, móooo!
What Animal Are You?
You Are a Pig
You are very intelligent, and you enjoy being around people. You can trust others easily.
You have great reasoning skills, and you are quick learner. You are able to adapt to most situations.
You tend to be very territorial and picky. You don't like people messing with your stuff.
You have keen senses and reflexes. You can defend yourself well and quickly sense danger.
Pois, parece que sou uma porquinha...ihihih...mas olha que a descrição até bate certo...:)
Também não resisto a estas coisas "estúpidas"...como tu dizes. Em tempos também fiz este teste e deu-me "Pig"
Se um macaco é isso tudo então sim, tu és um macaco!... Mas de uma espécie muito rara! :D
A mim deu-me isto:
"You Are a Cow
You are strong and very determined. You can remain stoic when times are tough.
You are stable and patient. You are able to do mundane tasks without resentment or boredom.
You are a caring, nurturing creature. You are willing to sacrifice a lot to take care of those you love.
You are smart and very observant. While you may seem passive, you are just taking in everything around you.".
lilipat2008, porquinha é muito bom! Bela descrição!!!!
Maria Anjos Varanda, como disse ali acima, é muito bom!:)
Rice Man, tu és uma vaca... com isso tudo, e eu é que sou o macaco raro? LOOOOL Mas é bom saber que és uma "criatura carinhosa". :)
Olha, diz que sou um elefante. E não é que sou mesmo?!
You are a truly compassionate creature. You have a strong sense of justice that extends to all beings.
It pains you to see someone treated unfairly. And you tend to hold on to hurtful memories for a long time.
You are very thoughtful and introspective. You always have a piece of wisdom to pass along.
You form deep connections with your friends and family members. And you mourn any relationships that have been lost.
lol, esta antes sou eu!
Pois és!!!!! Mesmo tu!!!! Elefanta miga!!!:)
You Are a Cat
You are very independent and reclusive. No one really understands you, and you like it that way!
You are quite clever and ingenious. You can get yourself out of any sticky situation.
You are confident and cool tempered. You know you have many advantages and resources to draw from.
No matter what life throws at you, things always seem to work out your way.
Cada vez gosto mais destes testes!!! eheheheh
You are a pig
You are very intelligent, and you enjoy being around people. You can trust others easily.
You have great reasoning skills, and you are quick learner. You are able to adapt to most situations.
You tend to be very territorial and picky. You don't like people messing with your stuff.
You have keen senses and reflexes. You can defend yourself well and quickly sense danger.
Tudo verdade!
You Are a Chicken
You are a naturally curious and inquisitive being. You are often poking your nose where it doesn't belong!
Collecting nuggets of knowledge is important to you. You enjoy knowing everything you can.
You are very independent and strong willed. You don't like to be bossed around, and you do as you please.
You are quite determined and able to take on challenges. You will "peck away" at a problem until it's gone.
Macaquinha bem divertida!
korrosiva, fantástico. Estes comentários estão cheios de gatos! :)
Sayuri,porquita, também, como não podia deixar de ser!!!! :)
Fenix, essa galinha é muito evoluida... LOOOOL
Salto-Alto, looool!!!
Eu sou um gato!! (por acaso o meu animal preferido!!! ehehe)
O significado se der macaca é giro!!! ;)
Alguém, macaca é giro! Mesmo! LOL
Pronto, adivinha?
... é isso...
Macaco para mim também! LOOL
Sério? Uau!!!! Isso é mesmo demais! LOOOOOL
Mais uma macaquinha!!!!!
Eu tb sou... uma galinha! Fiquei algo desiludido mas depois de ler a definição fico meio conformado... Certas coisas são tiros sem alvo. Tipo: eu não ando sempre a meter o nariz onde não sou chamado... Ai, acho que não gostei mesmo!
Stay Well
Eu achei interessante a definição da galinha... mas essa parte, de facto... ;)
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